News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sex slavery widespread in England 3 bbc
Budget 'to hit gas guzzlers hard' 5 bbc
Ambulance closure fear in Braemar 1 bbc
Drivers warned over snow and wind 15 bbc
Drivers warned over snow and wind 15 bbc
Deadly bomb blasts hit Iraqi city 2 bbc
Missing man's body found in river 0 bbc
Pessimism 'growing among Iraqis' 7 bbc
Pessimism 'growing among Iraqis' 6 bbc
Father's appeal for BBC reporter 3 bbc
About the BBC's Iraq week 2 bbc
Deadly bomb blasts hit Iraqi city 1 bbc
Missing man's body found in river 1 bbc
Deadly bomb blasts hit Iraqi city 0 bbc
Family angry at attacker's flight 0 bbc
Egyptian MPs in protest walk-out 2 bbc