News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rail union announces new strikes 1 bbc
Greek Cypriots dismantle barrier 3 bbc
US-Brazil deal to boost bio-fuels 2 bbc
Chavez attacks Bush 'domination' 0 bbc
Navy petty officer guilty of rape 0 bbc
Father admits child bath murders 7 bbc
Epileptic woman robbed during fit 0 bbc
Leaving the party early 0 bbc
'No time' for military training 0 bbc
China announces new property law 1 bbc
'Love triangle' astronaut sacked 1 bbc
Somalia AU plane 'catches fire' 2 bbc
Time 'critical' for NI devolution 19 bbc
DUP and Sinn Fein on top in poll 21 bbc
Father admits child bath murders 6 bbc
Some murderers in jail 'too long' 4 bbc