News Article Title Version Source Discovered
One dead in Gaza-Egypt shooting 5 bbc
Thousands flee fighting in Chad 7 bbc
Support Chad president, says UN 0 bbc
Officer 'pressurised' to bug MP 1 bbc
'King of the Congas' dies in Cuba 0 bbc
US rivals in frantic campaigning 8 bbc
Rail signallers in wildcat action 1 bbc
Fibres 'found on victims' bodies' 2 bbc
Colombians in huge Farc protest 4 bbc
Officer 'pressurised' to bug MP 0 bbc
Berlusconi spurns coalition bid 1 bbc
Presenter 'drugged and raped' man 2 bbc
Murder police release two e-fits 0 bbc
Change planned on cloning consent 1 bbc
'Callous attack' caught on camera 1 bbc
What's in a name? 1 bbc