News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ecuador probes 'attack on tribe' 1 bbc
Study aims to cut antibiotics use 1 bbc
Australia pledges E Timor support 1 bbc
Major flood exercise to be held 0 bbc
World cyclist nears finish line 2 bbc
US university gunman kills five 9 bbc
Al Fayed's security head 'lied' 2 bbc
Man charged over wasteground body 1 bbc
World cyclist nears finish line 1 bbc
Australia pledges E Timor support 0 bbc
Sat nav timetable for passengers 0 bbc
US university gunman kills five 8 bbc
Suicide rate drops in young men 0 bbc
Warning over illegal skin bleach 0 bbc
Property boom 'over in Scotland' 0 bbc
World cyclist nears finish line 0 bbc