News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rail funds commitment questioned 1 bbc
Birth rate reaches 10-year high 1 bbc
Kidnapped Iraqi archbishop dead 2 bbc
Widow's tribute to police chief 4 bbc
Incapacity tests raise concerns 4 bbc
Darling defends 'bad news' Budget 7 bbc
Spitzer sex scandal woman named 1 bbc
Insurgents behead Somali soldier 0 bbc
Hedge fund on verge of collapse 5 bbc
Can different species 'talk'? 3 bbc
Widow's tribute to police chief 3 bbc
Arrests over cash machine thefts 0 bbc
Bishop criticises gay community 0 bbc
Party leaders facing a grilling 0 bbc
Deal 'imminent' on super-councils 1 bbc
Indian police halt Tibetan march 7 bbc