News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Life sciences £1bn economic boost 0 bbc
Tories 'out of touch' on grammars 2 bbc
MP defends quad bike on expenses 0 bbc
Labour candidates face hustings 2 bbc
Tories 'out of touch' on grammars 1 bbc
Oxygen supplies 'tampered with' 0 bbc
Suicide attack on Afghan market 0 bbc
Romania president survives vote 7 bbc
Nuclear cooling towers demolished 1 bbc
Israel warns of tough Gaza action 4 bbc
Lebanese troops battle militants 3 bbc
Call for migrant housing rethink 3 bbc
Call for migrant housing rethink 2 bbc
Tourist trampled on by cow herd 0 bbc
Man bailed over hit-and-run death 0 bbc
Mock plane crash tests NI crews 1 bbc