News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sherpa beats Everest record again 0 bbc
Microsoft offers cashback search 0 bbc
Dalai Lama sees change in China 3 bbc
UN head tours cyclone-hit Burma 5 bbc
Bag charge plan hits US airline 1 bbc
Bag charge plan hits US airline 2 bbc
Exam papers had answers on back 4 bbc
Green challenge to energy chiefs 0 bbc
US strike 'kills Iraqi civilians' 2 bbc
Exam papers had answers on back 3 bbc
Funeral due for car murder boys 0 bbc
Smokers tend to give up in groups 0 bbc
Hospital patients tested for HIV 0 bbc
Fritzl daughter 'making recovery' 1 bbc
Bag charge plan hits US airline 1 bbc
Man Utd fans enjoy European win 23 bbc