News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Congo 'to attack Ugandan rebels' 1 bbc
Gorbachev calls for purge museum 1 bbc
Flood threat to Iraq Shia shrines 1 bbc
Trapped teenager dies in flooding 14 bbc
Obama pledges support for Israel 10 bbc
Witness 'saw' attack on McCartney 1 bbc
'Rampant consumerism' criticised 1 bbc
Author Tremain wins Orange prize 2 bbc
Size is all for Syrian restaurant 3 bbc
Fishermen clash with police at EU 5 bbc
Sudanese regime likened to Nazis 2 bbc
Undergraduate intake mix widens 2 bbc
Families' shopping list 1 bbc
Alcohol 'cuts risk of arthritis' 1 bbc
UN increases food aid by $1.2bn 5 bbc
Doubts over terror law safeguards 1 bbc