News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Betancourt hails 'perfect' rescue 1 bbc
Students stabbed and set alight 4 bbc
Kenya urges AU to suspend Mugabe 6 bbc
Students stabbed and set alight 3 bbc
Jerusalem attacker 'acted alone' 2 bbc
Brown pressed on incentives claim 4 bbc
Srebrenica Muslim chief cleared 3 bbc
Betancourt hails 'perfect' rescue 0 bbc
Nigeria charges ex-air ministers 0 bbc
Jordan and Andre accept damages 0 bbc
Srebrenica Muslim chief cleared 2 bbc
Brown pressed on incentives claim 3 bbc
Jerusalem attacker 'acted alone' 1 bbc
Students stabbed and set alight 2 bbc
London oil price hits $146 record 4 bbc
Kenya 'fraud' minister told to go 0 bbc