News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Euro gains as dollar rally stalls 1 bbc
Deadly hurricane weakens in Haiti 7 bbc
Obama nominated for the Democrats 13 bbc
Map highlights 'obesity hotspots' 0 bbc
British workers 'fear job losses' 0 bbc
BT plan for phone box 'adoption' 0 bbc
Leaking mushroom soup halts plane 0 bbc
Man convicted of converting guns 9 bbc
Malta fears 71 migrants drowned 2 bbc
Bill Clinton to address Democrats 12 bbc
Hero's welcome for boxer Barnes 0 bbc
Bill Clinton to address Democrats 11 bbc
Bill Clinton to address Democrats 10 bbc
Pollution kills hundreds of fish 0 bbc
Thai protesters ordered arrested 11 bbc
Bill Clinton to address Democrats 9 bbc