News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Bulgaria toilet' art covered up 0 bbc
Afghan raids 'kill 22 militants' 1 bbc
Bank woes push pound below $1.40 3 bbc
Crowds await historic Obama oath 17 bbc
Rwandan soldiers enter DR Congo 11 bbc
Cafe Royal items sold at auction 0 bbc
Wood cargo makes eight-mile slick 0 bbc
Tell-tale injuries from partners 0 bbc
Sex smell lures 'vampire' to doom 1 bbc
Afghan raids 'kill 22 militants' 1 bbc
Wood cargo makes eight-mile slick 1 bbc
Agents exploit boat people misery 1 bbc
Be bolder on diversity, MPs told 2 bbc
Rwandan soldiers enter DR Congo 10 bbc
UK events mark Obama inauguration 8 bbc
Copper thieves electrocuted in SA 1 bbc