News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Guantanamo accused court defiance 1 bbc
Ship loses timber in rough seas 8 bbc
'I had two children by my father' 1 bbc
Jobs to go at manufacturing plant 2 bbc
Jobs to go at manufacturing plant 1 bbc
Concert woman abducted and robbed 1 bbc
'I had two children by my father' 0 bbc
Clarke heads Cameron's reshuffle 10 bbc
Prominent Russian lawyer killed 1 bbc
Obama honours Martin Luther King 7 bbc
Gaza homeless toll 'hits 50,000' 2 bbc
UK banking plan faces criticism 5 bbc
Gaza homeless toll 'hits 50,000' 1 bbc
Eurotunnel reopening in February 0 bbc
Nepal turns back on hydropower 1 bbc
Public speaking lessons for presidents 1 bbc