News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Oliver! opening hits right note 1 bbc
Fewer schools below GCSE target 2 bbc
Heathrow runway approval is due 14 bbc
Miliband regrets 'war on terror' 2 bbc
Gaza pounded amid push for truce 9 bbc
Disease and starvation in Zimbabwe 0 bbc
Sharon Osbourne wins libel battle 0 bbc
Italy and Brazil in fugitive row 0 bbc
Strong British showing at Sundance 0 bbc
Sderot longs for end to rockets 0 bbc
Prisoner star McGoohan dies at 80 7 bbc
Prisoner star McGoohan dies at 80 7 bbc
Ex-officer charged in US shooting 1 bbc
Five deprived areas share £2.5m 1 bbc
Top Indian filmmaker Sinha dies 1 bbc
'Overweight' firefighter sacked 2 bbc