News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Kelvin tribute in city cemetery 0 bbc
Drink-drive blitz nets hundreds 0 bbc
Ministers join in fishery fight 0 bbc
Teenager murdered in street brawl 4 bbc
Air crash deaths probe to start 0 bbc
UK troops return Basra to Iraqis 22 bbc
UK troops return Basra to Iraqis 20 bbc
New nativity story played to city 2 bbc
Food in hospitals 'unacceptable' 0 bbc
Sperm clue to 'disease immunity' 0 bbc
Nasa 'to support UK Moon mission' 4 bbc
Spice Girls make UK stage return 7 bbc
New nativity story played to city 1 bbc
Heckles open ANC election meeting 5 bbc
UK troops return Basra to Iraqis 19 bbc
UK troops return Basra to Iraqis 21 bbc