News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Obesity drug use rises eight-fold 7 bbc
Tension after Kenyan MP shot dead 4 bbc
Cumbria 'safest county to live' 2 bbc
Storms battering parts of Britain 3 bbc
Trapped in a fracturing Kenya 0 bbc
Murder victim's neck 'compressed' 0 bbc
The £10 ticket to another world 0 bbc
Doubts cast on Taser gun safety 2 bbc
Ships on legs 7 bbc
Blast kills top Afghan official 2 bbc
Win for disability rights woman 9 bbc
Storms battering parts of Britain 2 bbc
Stop Kenya burning, says AU head 9 bbc
Cumbria 'safest county to live' 1 bbc
Afghanistan's future 'in peril' 1 bbc
High winds cause travel problems 2 bbc