News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Woolworths withdraws 'Lolita' bed 2 bbc
Minister backs costly care policy 6 bbc
Electric dreams 7 bbc
Sea rescues amid stormy weather 14 bbc
Au revoir Mister Franglais 2 bbc
Teenager, 14, stabbed at school 1 bbc
Microsoft wants to purchase Yahoo 2 bbc
Twin bombings kill 64 in Baghdad 10 bbc
MPs urged to declare family staff 6 bbc
Man denies father-of-six's murder 0 bbc
Driver injured in train accident 7 bbc
Zimbabwe deports Mann to E Guinea 2 bbc
MPs urged to declare family staff 5 bbc
Twin bombings kill 64 in Baghdad 9 bbc
Two plead not guilty to M40 death 1 bbc
Author was 'murdered for wealth' 1 bbc