News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Source of hotel fire investigated 1 bbc
Papers express armed forces fears 1 bbc
Crews tackle washed-up wood fire 0 bbc
Source of hotel fire investigated 0 bbc
Nazi-era singer returns to stage 1 bbc
Papers express armed forces fears 0 bbc
Police to focus on violent crimes 0 bbc
Greek Cypriots vote for president 0 bbc
Hospital probe into rapist escape 4 bbc
Search for hospital escape rapist 0 bbc
Nazi-era singer returns to stage 0 bbc
Kosovo gears up for independence 1 bbc
Cyclone bears down on Madagascar 0 bbc
Language GCSEs 'could drop orals' 0 bbc
Ferry staff to strike over times 0 bbc
Army intervenes in Beirut clashes 0 bbc