News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ford and Vauxhall raise UK prices 2 bbc
How fake drugs got into the NHS 1 bbc
Snow causing further disruption 23 bbc
Big jump in Spanish unemployment 3 bbc
More injuries from snow for NHS 1 bbc
Fresh talks in foreign worker row 10 bbc
Fresh talks in foreign worker row 9 bbc
UN defines Romania-Ukraine border 1 bbc
Kansas rethinks its prison policies 0 bbc
Roofless house sells for £9,000 0 bbc
10 ways to cope with snow 4 bbc
Singers and songs of the 60s 1 bbc
Deal done to pass Scottish budget 6 bbc
Iran launches homegrown satellite 13 bbc
More injuries from snow for NHS 0 bbc
Abortion: 'If only I had known more' 0 bbc