News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Banks to reassess pay structure 4 bbc
German guile won Queen Nefertiti 1 bbc
Couple jailed for toddler killing 4 bbc
Police decide against peers probe 1 bbc
Tories admit to Wiki-alteration 1 bbc
UK visit to Guantanamo detainee 0 bbc
City shooting was 'brutal murder' 0 bbc
Obama diary: Days 11-20 15 bbc
Fortis shareholders reject sale 1 bbc
S Lanka civilian attacks denied 2 bbc
Tories admit to Wiki-alteration 0 bbc
UK's CO2 plan 'certain to fail' 0 bbc
Accused's DNA not at murder scene 0 bbc
Couple jailed for toddler killing 3 bbc
S Lanka civilian attacks denied 1 bbc
Bid to reveal 'torture' evidence 2 bbc