News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Mystery over Sudan 'air strike' 0 bbc
US plans to rein in Wall Street 5 bbc
Obama answers internet questions 4 bbc
Madonna 'to adopt second child' 1 bbc
Father jailed for murdering baby 2 bbc
EU warns Spain over development 1 bbc
Pirates seize tankers off Somalia 5 bbc
Sarkozy outlines Congo peace plan 9 bbc
Audio slideshow: Kenya fishermen 0 bbc
Pirates seize tankers off Somalia 4 bbc
Clinton targets assault weapons 0 bbc
Rugby stars face jail over attack 0 bbc
Record decline hits Irish economy 1 bbc
Sarkozy outlines Congo peace plan 8 bbc
CCTV images in OAP murder inquiry 8 bbc
Dissidents defend use of violence 1 bbc