News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sri Lanka army 'to stop shelling' 1 bbc
UK told to expect swine flu cases 8 bbc
Police wounded in Istanbul siege 0 bbc
Murphy's sermon to party's soul 0 bbc
Asos sees sales more than double 0 bbc
Bill set to expose gender pay gap 4 bbc
Nuclear sub 'discharge' warning 1 bbc
Airline shares hit by flu fears 2 bbc
UK told to expect swine flu cases 7 bbc
Three people killed in car crash 4 bbc
Three people killed in car crash 0 bbc
Sri Lanka army 'to stop shelling' 0 bbc
Bollywood actor Feroz Khan dies 0 bbc
Airline shares hit by flu fears 1 bbc
Three people killed in car crash 3 bbc
Third floods victim still missing 0 bbc