News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Euromillions jackpot rolls over 4 bbc
Swine flu spread 'not sustained' 8 bbc
Israeli minister heads for Europe 0 bbc
The websites of India's "e-election" 0 bbc
Heads to debate school inspection 0 bbc
Swine flu spread 'not sustained' 7 bbc
'Father' opposes Madonna adoption 0 bbc
Clarke in smears row action call 0 bbc
'Living on borrowed time' 0 bbc
Raids uncover £200,000 drugs haul 0 bbc
Q&A: Advice about swine flu 13 bbc
Labour MP rejects 'exodus' talk 1 bbc
'Selling' Queensland with a dream job 1 bbc
Election win for Ecuador's Correa 0 bbc
Drugs 'can help mild depression' 0 bbc
Men bailed over prison shooting 0 bbc