News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Doomsday' man baptises Kenya PM 1 bbc
'Have I fixed my fat head yet?' 1 bbc
Brazil's north-east hit by floods 0 bbc
Cage stunt car in New York crash 0 bbc
Pregnant Laos inmate to get visit 1 bbc
Male 'contraceptive jab' closer 1 bbc
Ford workers leave after job cuts 0 bbc
'Have I fixed my fat head yet?' 0 bbc
Georgia 'uncovers military coup' 0 bbc
Swine flu leaflet delivery begins 5 bbc
'Doomsday' man baptises Kenya PM 0 bbc
Pensioner 'too scared to go home' 0 bbc
Contraceptive jab for men 0 bbc
Anti-Tesco stadium plan protest 3 bbc
New project to protect wildcats 1 bbc
Asthmatic children 'missing out' 1 bbc