News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The prisoner Laos does not want 0 bbc
'Stoned' dog leads to drugs find 0 bbc
Obama plans $17bn budget savings 0 bbc
Hobbits 'are a separate species' 2 bbc
Your hopes for the Indian elections 3 bbc
Murder case police arrest officer 1 bbc
Deadly blast hits Afghan province 2 bbc
DNA data plan comes under fire 2 bbc
Gurkha rulings to be reconsidered 3 bbc
Two more cases of swine flu in UK 5 bbc
Turkish massacre villagers flee 0 bbc
Easyjet wants passenger weddings 0 bbc
Second Pepsi bottler snubs buyout 0 bbc
DNA Database: Key case studies 0 bbc
Gilligan new Policing Board head 0 bbc
Afghan anger at deadly US strikes 1 bbc