News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Eyewitness: Trapped in Mingora 0 bbc
'Too hot' floors delay hospital 1 bbc
Council suspends education chief 0 bbc
AM gives up second home allowance 0 bbc
US trade deficit grows in March 0 bbc
US soldier charged with murders 0 bbc
Harman seeks MP 'pay back' scheme 0 bbc
UK jobless total hits 2.2 million 3 bbc
Court orders gangster to pay £1 0 bbc
Officer 'punched G20 protester' 0 bbc
Exam pupils hurt in duct collapse 12 bbc
Brazil steps up flood aid efforts 1 bbc
UK jobless total hits 2.2 million 2 bbc
Lennon's bloody clothes displayed 0 bbc
Net firms reject 'policing role' 1 bbc
Barge death men named by police 3 bbc