News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Lady Thatcher 'well' in hospital 0 bbc
Baby flamingos 'scared of pink' 0 bbc
Loyalist UVF group in arms move 0 bbc
Six years for 'tartan terrorist' 0 bbc
NHS access to IVF 'improves' 0 bbc
Speaker: Runners and riders 9 bbc
Rights in Zimbabwe 'precarious' 1 bbc
Goodwin offers to reduce pension 1 bbc
The ghosts haunting British roads 0 bbc
Seacole sculpture design revealed 1 bbc
Call for day of mourning in Iran 5 bbc
Police defend Romanian response 2 bbc
Angler rescued after hour in sea 1 bbc
MPs' expenses made public online 16 bbc
Alitalia sorry as Sicily vanishes 0 bbc
Goodwin offers to reduce pension 0 bbc