News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Waitress free in official's death 3 bbc
Sandhurst confirms swine flu case 0 bbc
Obama 'troubled' by Iran violence 3 bbc
Obama 'troubled' by Iran violence 4 bbc
Iran 'to hold election recount' 0 bbc
US urges Vietnam to free lawyer 0 bbc
Three trains damaged by vandalism 4 bbc
BBC licence fee 'could be shared' 1 bbc
Obama 'troubled' by Iran violence 3 bbc
Obama 'troubled' by Iran violence 2 bbc
Waitress free in official's death 2 bbc
Architect Rogers angry at Prince 3 bbc
Gabon ready for funeral of Bongo 1 bbc
Seven killed during Iran protest 13 bbc
'Solid' Tesco sees sales pick up 3 bbc
'Solid' Tesco sees sales pick up 2 bbc