News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Gabon leader Bongo's death denied 5 bbc
Moustache in return to cabinet 2 bbc
Urgent kidney patients 'failed' 1 bbc
GPs call for end to NHS conflict 1 bbc
Hovercraft still afloat 50 years on 1 bbc
Home educators made to register 1 bbc
China's computers at hacking risk 2 bbc
China's computers at hacking risk 2 bbc
Seeking television justice in China 1 bbc
Councils rapped over Iceland cash 1 bbc
'Hidden cost' of Colombian biofuel 1 bbc
Family member discovered bodies 1 bbc
Greater oil demand seen for 2009 1 bbc
Yoko Ono enjoys rare music honour 1 bbc
D-Day: A breakthrough for war reporting 1 bbc
A life taken in the name of 'respect' 1 bbc