News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Lebanon confirms Hariri election win 12 bbc
Court declines gay soldier case 1 bbc
Pupil sex teacher ruling delayed 1 bbc
France 'freezer baby' case begins 1 bbc
Australia wind farm gets go-ahead 1 bbc
Government 'to ban legal highs' 4 bbc
Air France tail section recovered 7 bbc
UN Gaza probe may not lead to prosecutions 1 bbc
Brothers admit banker's killing 2 bbc
Prison managers to be replaced 5 bbc
Last-minute talks to avert strike 6 bbc
Woman quizzed over child pictures 2 bbc
Setanta 'is on brink of collapse' 4 bbc
PM's brother wins newspaper case 0 bbc
New cabinet meets for first time 11 bbc
Minister cleared in expenses row 4 bbc