News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Al-Qaeda 'kills British hostage' 4 bbc
Al-Qaeda 'kills British hostage' 3 bbc
Nearly half of jobless 'under 25' 1 bbc
Al-Qaeda 'kills British hostage' 2 bbc
UK consumer optimism 'increases' 0 bbc
Network Rail sees profits slide 0 bbc
Ocean search finds plane debris 5 bbc
Al-Qaeda 'kills British hostage' 1 bbc
Claudia search team gets 40 calls 2 bbc
Australia able to avoid recession 1 bbc
Brown urged to 'assert authority' 2 bbc
India elects first woman Speaker 0 bbc
Sony unveils PSP Go gaming device 0 bbc
Former DUP MP in expenses claims 0 bbc
Morgan Stanley to raise $2.2bn 0 bbc
Quiz offer for disorderly drunks 1 bbc