News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Plane searchers spot ocean debris 11 bbc
Nationalist bid to force election 0 bbc
UK forces 'kill Taliban leader' 0 bbc
In search of Europe: Italy 5 bbc
Bowing to a higher authority 3 bbc
Graduate job market 1 bbc
Man quizzed over US doctor death 1 bbc
Profile: George Tiller 2 bbc
Pilot's emergency landing relief 7 bbc
Space headache a real phenomenon 1 bbc
Daughter cleared in smother case 2 bbc
Hopes high for Obama's Islam speech 1 bbc
Pakistan releases 'top militant' 7 bbc
Suicide jump boy had died at home 4 bbc
Plane searchers spot ocean debris 10 bbc
Charles invited to D-Day events 0 bbc