News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Decades-old fridge takes to stage 0 bbc
Obama's first 100 days: The Economy 0 bbc
'Tit for tat' death suspects held 0 bbc
Mexico imposes swine flu measures 6 bbc
Congo ex-rebel 'working with UN' 0 bbc
Mexico imposes swine flu measures 5 bbc
UK homes to get swine flu advice 0 bbc
Terror trial pair to be sentenced 0 bbc
English lit 'shunned by students' 2 bbc
Mexico imposes swine flu measures 4 bbc
Brown to unveil Afghan strategy 0 bbc
Poorer pupils 'shun English lit' 1 bbc
Petrol killing 'based on movie' 1 bbc
Claudia mother makes new appeal 0 bbc
MSK: What we have learned 0 bbc
New US health secretary sworn in 0 bbc