News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sri Lanka army accused of carnage 5 bbc
Pirates free ship five months on 3 bbc
Q&A: South Africa's general elections 3 bbc
French swoop on Calais migrants 1 bbc
Cheney enters 'torture' memos row 2 bbc
Tesco achieves £3bn annual profit 7 bbc
Inflation measure turns negative 2 bbc
French swoop on Calais migrants 0 bbc
'Open mind' over hospital deaths 0 bbc
Breastfeeding 'protects mother' 0 bbc
Homeless struggle in Atlantic City 2 bbc
Q&A: South Africa's general elections 2 bbc
Girl 'lured youth to his death' 1 bbc
Struck-off teacher 'was suicidal' 1 bbc
Islam a political target in Norway 1 bbc
Homeless struggle in Atlantic City 1 bbc