News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Gay marriage row at Miss USA show 2 bbc
Tesco achieves £3bn annual profit 9 bbc
Brown sets out MP expenses plans 1 bbc
Cancer brake 'could halt disease' 2 bbc
Sri Lanka army accused of carnage 6 bbc
Chan's remarks 'out of context' 1 bbc
Homeless struggle in Atlantic City 6 bbc
Inflation measure turns negative 5 bbc
Stephen Hawking's medical condition 0 bbc
PM proposes expenses 'overhaul' 0 bbc
Plans to cut traffic speed limits 3 bbc
Inflation measure turns negative 4 bbc
Homeless struggle in Atlantic City 5 bbc
Spring brings changes in New York 3 bbc
Zuma calls for 'massive' turn out 0 bbc
Police 'must display name badges' 0 bbc