News Article Title Version Source Discovered
OSCE monitors 'held in S Ossetia' 1 bbc
How Susan Boyle won over the world 2 bbc
'Dozens killed' in Kenya violence 3 bbc
Sri Lanka army accused of carnage 3 bbc
Cheney enters 'torture' memos row 1 bbc
UK families see ruin of Swat homes 1 bbc
Hay Festival wins business honour 1 bbc
Chemists to start diet pill sales 4 bbc
Officers arrested over boy attack 1 bbc
Murder inquiry after disco attack 2 bbc
OSCE monitors 'held in S Ossetia' 0 bbc
Cheney enters 'torture' memos row 0 bbc
Rate cut by Indian central bank 2 bbc
Sri Lanka army accused of carnage 2 bbc
Murder inquiry after disco attack 1 bbc
Tesco achieves £3bn annual profit 5 bbc