News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Scrapyard Spitfire up for auction 2 bbc
Brussels to probe seven airlines 5 bbc
Secret filming nurse struck off 13 bbc
Scientist Hawking ill in hospital 1 bbc
Helicopter funeral hears of love 0 bbc
Bishop would renew Zuma charges 0 bbc
Impact of Quick error played down 0 bbc
Volunteers aid emergency response 3 bbc
Walkout at Iran leader's speech 3 bbc
'Calls on Mumbai victims' phones' 0 bbc
Scientist Hawking ill in hospital 0 bbc
Q&A: South Africa's general elections 1 bbc
Brussels to probe seven airlines 4 bbc
Fault lines split UN racism summit 3 bbc
New buys boost Bank of America 1 bbc
Drugs led to deaths of patients 2 bbc