News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Swedish hostage freed in Colombia 1 bbc
Swedish hostage freed in Colombia 0 bbc
The unopened e-mail that cost £3m 0 bbc
Pope tells Africa 'condoms wrong' 7 bbc
MPs agree higher blind benefits 0 bbc
Killer dogs sow terror in Sicily 1 bbc
New QE liner to set sail in 2010 2 bbc
Governor calls for 'simple' rules 1 bbc
Military backs Madagascar rival 0 bbc
Man injured in shooting incident 0 bbc
New measures to rein UK banks in 0 bbc
Governor calls for 'simple' rules 0 bbc
Pope tells Africa 'condoms wrong' 6 bbc
Wagoner open to proposals on Opel 1 bbc
Riot police called to disturbance 5 bbc
St Patrick's Day treat for Simpsons fans 2 bbc