News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Austrian Fritzl sentenced to life 5 bbc
World economy 'to shrink in 2009' 2 bbc
Counting the cost of slopping out 0 bbc
Head-on-beach murderer to appeal 0 bbc
British 2010 motor show cancelled 4 bbc
In the red corner, Scargill. In the blue, Thatcher 3 bbc
World economy 'to shrink in 2009' 1 bbc
Pope's first giant Mass in Africa 0 bbc
Deal to end slopping out payments 3 bbc
Son told 'mother is here to die' 6 bbc
Austrian Fritzl sentenced to life 4 bbc
Pakistan orders Sharif ban review 0 bbc
Colleges face £100m projects loss 11 bbc
World economy 'to shrink in 2009' 0 bbc
Store owner takes on litterbugs 0 bbc
Dollar slides after US Fed plan 3 bbc