News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Dutch forces free pirate captives 4 bbc
Former bank governor George dies 3 bbc
Iran jails journalist as US spy 8 bbc
Obituary: Lord George 0 bbc
How Susan Boyle won over the world 0 bbc
Resort donkeys 'best attraction' 3 bbc
Arrested MP 'told he faced life' 5 bbc
Third G20 case referred to IPCC 2 bbc
Iran jails journalist as US spy 7 bbc
Former bank governor George dies 2 bbc
Obama offers Cuba 'new beginning' 7 bbc
Former bank governor George dies 1 bbc
Egypt opens Gaza border crossing 0 bbc
French boats block Channel ports 5 bbc
Third G20 case referred to IPCC 1 bbc
Fatal crash film safety warning 1 bbc