News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Dozens injured in Sri Lanka blast 2 bbc
Dozens injured in Sri Lanka blast 1 bbc
Darling warns of economic crisis 6 bbc
Dozens injured in Sri Lanka blast 0 bbc
Things aren't what they used to be 0 bbc
New probe urged of Nepal missing 0 bbc
US surprise and praise for Palin 3 bbc
US surprise and praise for Palin 2 bbc
Locals 'turn Guyanese' in mix-up 6 bbc
US surprise and praise for Palin 1 bbc
Rivals generous over Palin choice 0 bbc
Cuba punk rocker spared jail term 0 bbc
Darling comments centre of attention 0 bbc
Darling warns of economic crisis 5 bbc
Child murder claim shocks Israelis 0 bbc
New pressure over faith schools 1 bbc