News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Charge over chimney sweep murder 0 bbc
Labour's pessimism 'well-founded' 1 bbc
Man arrested over woman's murder 0 bbc
Rebels 'kill Pakistan Islamists' 1 bbc
0 bbc
Rebels 'kill Pakistan Islamists' 0 bbc
Watergate burglar dies in Florida 0 bbc
Woman with swine flu gives birth 0 bbc
The shot that changed Germany 0 bbc
Minister 'has let down UK troops' 0 bbc
'Unfair edit' in Apprentice show 1 bbc
Veterans gather for D-Day event 2 bbc
Middle East views: Obama's speech 2 bbc
Terror suspect 'had suicide vest' 2 bbc
Man's lung punctured in attack 33 bbc
Two charged as Cuban spies in US 3 bbc