News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Youth drop-out rate hits new high 1 bbc
Apartheid policeman loses job bid 1 bbc
Science ponders 'zombie attack' 7 bbc
Mozart 'killed by strep throat' 13 bbc
Deadly pre-poll attack hits Kabul 6 bbc
Taliban 'confirms Mehsud's death' 0 bbc
Lithuania 'Real IRA' trial opens 7 bbc
Crowds gather to honour soldiers 2 bbc
Crowds gather to honour soldiers 5 bbc
Hundreds on Armstrong Tweet ride 4 bbc
Anger over ITV duchess programme 2 bbc
Deadly pre-poll attack hits Kabul 5 bbc
Mozart 'killed by strep throat' 12 bbc
Science ponders 'zombie attack' 6 bbc
Chamberlain's war diary on show 2 bbc
Science ponders 'zombie attack' 5 bbc