News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Newsreader Robertson leaves BBC 1 bbc
S Africa's ANC says Mbeki must go 0 bbc
Tourist bus highlights heritage 2 bbc
Potter author in £1m Labour gift 7 bbc
Woman stabbed outside restaurant 1 bbc
Pakistan in sovereignty warning 3 bbc
Peace march against knife crime 4 bbc
Peace march against knife crime 7 bbc
US television's Emmys get 'real' 0 bbc
Auschwitz survivor comes of age 0 bbc
Turning to the Taleban in Pakistan 0 bbc
Expat Russians gaining confidence 0 bbc
Mrs Sarkozy meets Metallica on TV 2 bbc
Online gamers 'are not unhealthy' 1 bbc
Are you going to the Labour party conference? 1 bbc
Delhi police shoot 'bomb suspect' 7 bbc