News Article Title Version Source Discovered
France frees sailors from pirates 9 bbc
Doctors against training shake-up 1 bbc
Pakistan in border warning to US 1 bbc
Kercher trial reaches the court 3 bbc
Shop sales 'worst in three years' 0 bbc
Ambulance concern to be addressed 0 bbc
Lib Dems to poll 250,000 by phone 0 bbc
New Hitchhiker's author announced 0 bbc
Zimbabwe victims still grieving 0 bbc
UK slipping down graduate league 2 bbc
Hirst works fetch record prices 6 bbc
Briton seized by Nigerian gunmen 1 bbc
Seabird chicks 'killed over food' 0 bbc
Newborn found on hospital trolley 0 bbc
US leaves rates unchanged at 2% 6 bbc
Nigerian with 86 wives arrested 4 bbc