News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The Wrestler scoops Golden Lion 2 bbc
Hong Kong holds legislative polls 2 bbc
Flood fears ease as rains lighten 8 bbc
Israeli PM 'should be indicted' 2 bbc
Teenager killed in street attack 3 bbc
Caribbean lashed by Hurricane Ike 23 bbc
Iwan re-elected Plaid president 1 bbc
Road 'tail' leads to stolen boat 0 bbc
McGimpsey says no to Tory merger 0 bbc
'Extreme' weather ahead of crash 1 bbc
Second arrest over street murder 1 bbc
Heroin warning after two deaths 2 bbc
Israeli PM 'should be indicted' 1 bbc
Death crash man named by police 2 bbc
Father arrested over baby murder 5 bbc
Israeli PM 'should be indicted' 0 bbc