News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Mexico shuts down to control flu 10 bbc
Mexico shuts down to control flu 17 bbc
Brown quit call is top petition 1 bbc
Boy killers on 'lethal cocktail' 2 bbc
Swine flu couple 'feared dying' 11 bbc
YouTube helps man deliver baby 0 bbc
Police chief announces retirement 0 bbc
Anti-terror police searching park 1 bbc
Clarke 'ashamed' to be Labour MP 3 bbc
Swine flu couple 'feared dying' 10 bbc
Four held after car bomb kidnap 1 bbc
Ming Dynasty replica junk sinks 3 bbc
Boy killers on 'lethal cocktail' 1 bbc
Japan moves back into deflation 1 bbc
Cadet man jailed for sex offence 0 bbc
Brown quit call is top petition 0 bbc