News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Barclays buys core Lehman assets 3 bbc
Salmond attacks financial 'spivs' 11 bbc
Banned cleric's son seeks cash 0 bbc
Online gamers 'are not unhealthy' 0 bbc
Chance of executive meeting fades 0 bbc
US government rescues insurer AIG 16 bbc
Rail services get back to normal 0 bbc
Mrs Sarkozy meets Metallica on TV 1 bbc
Thai MPs elect new prime minister 3 bbc
Karadzic faces fresh indictment 5 bbc
EU to overhaul fisheries policy 1 bbc
'US drone' kills five in Pakistan 1 bbc
Stone bombs 'could have killed' 0 bbc
'US drone' kills five in Pakistan 3 bbc
Kenya inquiry urges voting reform 0 bbc
£26m robbery video 'bores' judge 0 bbc