News Article Title Version Source Discovered
US Senate backs new bail-out bill 3 bbc
US Senate backs new bail-out bill 2 bbc
US Senate backs new bail-out bill 1 bbc
US approves Indian nuclear deal 4 bbc
US Senate backs new bail-out bill 0 bbc
Indian ban on smoking in public 4 bbc
Memorial dedicated to murdered Pc 0 bbc
Astley shortlisted for MTV award 0 bbc
Koreas set to hold military talks 0 bbc
Scientists study potato genetics 0 bbc
School trips 'not optional extra' 0 bbc
Malta 'bird slaughter' condemned 0 bbc
Space academy ready for blast off 0 bbc
US drone 'kills six' in Pakistan 1 bbc
Three men held over banker death 1 bbc
Spain holds 121 over child porn 7 bbc