News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Floods strand hundreds of runners 3 bbc
Shot Gayle 'would forgive killer' 1 bbc
Floods strand hundreds of runners 2 bbc
McCain attacks Obama's tax plans 4 bbc
McCain attacks Obama's tax plans 4 bbc
McCain attacks Obama's tax plans 3 bbc
McCain attacks Obama's tax plans 3 bbc
Floods strand hundreds of runners 1 bbc
'No interference' from Mandelson 0 bbc
Dark is the new black 0 bbc
Floods strand hundreds of runners 0 bbc
Remains in burn spark murder hunt 8 bbc
McCain attacks Obama's tax plans 2 bbc
McCain attacks Obama's tax plans 2 bbc
Shot Gayle 'would forgive killer' 0 bbc
Goldman Sachs to cut 10% of staff 3 bbc