News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Report Says Stanford Is First University to Raise $1 Billion in a Single Year 2 nytimes
Unabated Violence Poses Challenge to Mexico’s New Anticrime Program 2 nytimes
Irked British Judge Sets Retrial for Ex-Wife of Ex-Official 0 nytimes
Chávez Family ‘Encouraged,’ Bolivia Leader Says at U.N. 0 nytimes
Nigeria: Security Service Says It Halted Group Watching Israeli and U.S. Targets 0 nytimes
G.O.P. Resists Obama’s Push for Tax Rise to Head Off Cuts 1 nytimes
Manchester child poverty in shadow of 'different world' 0 bbc
New £1.5bn London Gateway port a "game changer" 0 bbc
Community sentences 'fail to stop reoffending' 0 bbc
PlayStation 4 console announced by Sony in New York 7 bbc
Iceland Looks to Export Power Bubbling From Below 1 nytimes
Independent Scotland 'should consider own currency', says economist 0 bbc
Eastleigh by-election: Boris Johnson attacks Lib Dems 0 bbc
Mosquitoes ignore repellent Deet after first exposure 0 bbc
Tottenham Hotspur fans 'attacked in Lyon bar' 1 bbc
In Reversal, Florida to Take Health Law’s Medicaid Expansion 2 nytimes